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3.5 Termination

Termination can be initiated by the client (for example when it closed the session) or by the server (for example in case of an administrator-commanded database shutdown or some failure).

The normal termination procedure is that the client closes the session after transaction commit. In this case the client sends the se_CloseConnection message. The server processes its closing procedure. If no errors occur the server sends the se_CloseConnectionOk message and closes the connection.

If the client sends the se_CloseConnection message before committing the on-going transaction, the server does rollback for the transaction, sends the se_TransactionRollbackBeforeClose message and closes the connection.

If on receipt of the se_CloseConnection message, some errors on server occur the server sends the se_ErrorResponse message and closes.

While an administrator-commanded database shutdown or some failure occurs the server may disconnect without any client request to do so. Before closing the connection the server sends the se_ErrorResponse message that contains error code and error info.

The possible instructions from the client in this phase are:

  • se_CloseConnection. Does not contain the body.

The possible instructions from the server in this phase are:

  • se_CloseConnectionOk. Does not contain the body.
  • se_TransactionRollbackBeforeClose. Does not contain the body.
  • se_ErrorResponse. Body contains info.