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28/11/2011 Sedna 3.5 ReleasedWe are pleased to announce the version 3.5 of the Sedna XML database system. New Features:
Official Drivers Changes:
New Contributions:
Important Note: Databases created with previous versions of Sedna will not work properly with Sedna 3.5. Please, use Sedna import/export ( |
24/09/2010 Sedna 3.4 ReleasedWe are pleased to announce the version 3.4 of the Sedna XML database system. Important Note for Drivers Developers: Please check that your drivers are compatible with Sedna 3.4. Sedna C library ( Significant Changes and New Features:
Official Drivers Changes:
Important Note: Databases created with previous versions of Sedna will not work properly with Sedna 3.4. Please, use Sedna import/export ( |
19/07/2010 Brett Zamir completed first version of Sedna in Firefox add-onXDIB (XML Database In a Browser), taking inspiration from XQIB ("XQuery in a Browser"), allows use by websites of an open source native XML database (called Sedna) in Firefox (and perhaps other browsers in the future if there is interest in standardization), with access to the databases currently open to any site which obtains permission from the user. For further details refer to the add-on site: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/199900/ Thanks, Brett, for this contribution! |
22/06/2010 Ilya Taranov gave a talk on Sedna Internals at SIGMOD 2010Ilya Taranov gave a talk at SIGMOD 2010 with Sedna: Native XML Database Management System (Internals Overview) paper. Video version of this presentaion is available on YouTube. Talk outline:
12/06/2010 Felix Winkelmann updated Sedna extension for ChickenFelix Winkelmann updated the Sedna extension in Chicken's repository. To use Sedna with CHICKEN download and install the Sedna API semiautomatically by executing:
If it has been installed, evaluating:
will load the Sedna API and import it in one step. |
07/04/2010 Perl Driver and Catalyst Adapter ReleasedDaniel Ruoso finally published Perl Driver for Sedna on CPAN, and it's now available to any Perl developer. The driver implements the C API directly as-is. http://search.cpan.org/~druoso/Sedna-0.001/lib/Sedna.pm Additionally, an adapter model class for the Catalyst framework was released, so people can use it integrated with their application: http://search.cpan.org/~druoso/Catalyst-Model-Sedna-0.001/lib/Catalyst/Model/Sedna.pm Many thanks to Daniel! |
11/04/2010 Sedna 3.3 ReleasedWe are pleased to announce the version 3.3 of the Sedna XML database system. Significant Changes and New Features:
Other Changes:
Important note: Databases created with previous versions of Sedna will not work properly with Sedna 3.3. Please, use Sedna import/export utility to migrate your data to Sedna 3.3 (see Administration Guide, section 2.5). |
17/09/2009 Sedna XQJ Beta 1 ReleasedCharles Foster released the first beta version of the XQJ driver for Sedna. Basic features include:
Sedna XQJ API: http://www.cfoster.net/sedna/xqj/ XQJ Tutorial: http://www.cfoster.net/articles/xqj-tutorial/ Note: this is an EARLY RELEASE BETA, please report bugs at: http://www.cfoster.net/contact |
2/07/2009 Sedna 3.2 releasedWe are pleased to announce a version 3.2 of the Sedna XML database system. New:
Important note: Databases created with previous versions of Sedna will not work properly with Sedna 3.2. Please, use Sedna import/export utility to migrate your data to Sedna 3.2 (see Administration Guide, section 2.5). |
24/04/2009 William Greenly has contributed ColdFusion wrapperCFXQuery is a project to encourage the use of XML based DBMS. At the moment this is achieved by the provision of a robust, enterprise level XMLDBMS along with a set of ColdFusion libraries and components to interface to it. Project's site: http://www.cfxquery.co.uk/ Download: http://www.cfxquery.co.uk/CF-XQuery-downloads.html |
10/03/2009 SednaAdmin for Web ReleasedGREaT team has contributed Sedna Admin for Web 0.1. Suggestions, bug-reports, contributions and/or just some feedback: sednaadmin at great.ufc.br. |
06/02/2009 New Stable Release 3.1.175Sedna 3.1.175 is available for download. New Features:
Other Changes:
New Contributions:
Thanks to Alex and Jim! As usual, build contains bug fixes, small improvements and optimizations. |
19/12/2008 New Stable Release 3.1.126Sedna 3.1.126 is available for download. New Features:
Significant Changes:
New Contributions:
Thanks to Rolf and Alexander! Build also contains bug fixes, a number of small improvements and optimizations. |
16/12/2008 Alexander Kardailsky has conributed Delphi APIDriver is made as a wrapper around the C API dynamic library and has been tested with delphi 2007 and delphi 2009. Package is provided with examples which cover all the functionality. You can find Delphi driver at our download page. Thanks to Alexander! |
14/12/2008 Rolf Timmermans has contributed Ruby API
From the site:
"This library provides a Ruby client for Sedna, an open-source, native XML database system. The client is a Ruby extension that uses the official C driver that is shipped as part of the Sedna distribution." You can find Ruby API driver as well as documentation at the official project's home page: http://sedna.rubyforge.org. Thanks to Rolf! |
28/08/2008 Sedna 3.1 releasedWe are pleased to announce a version 3.1 of the Sedna XML database system. New:
Important note: Databases created with previous versions of Sedna will not work properly with Sedna 3.1. Please, use Sedna import/export utility to migrate your data to Sedna 3.1 (see Administration Guide, section 2.5). |
06/25/2008 SednaAdmin 0.1.4 releasedNew Features:
Suggestions, bug-reports, contributions and/ or just some feedback: sednaadmin@great.ufc.br |
04/15/2008 WikiXMLDB powered by SednaWe are pleased to announce a Sedna-based demo which allows you to query Wikipedia in XQuery. http://wikixmldb.orgWe have parsed English Wikipedia into a well-structured XML document (21 Gb in size) and loaded it into Sedna. Now you can run predefined and your own XQuery queries via Web interface. Enjoy it! |
04/07/2008 Sedna 3.0 releasedWe are pleased to announce a version 3.0 of the Sedna XML database system. New:
Important note: Databases created with previous versions of Sedna will not work properly with Sedna 3.0. Please, use Sedna import/export utility to migrate your data to Sedna 3.0 (see Administration Guide, section 2.5). New third-party contributions:
02/07/2008 zif.sedna - Python API with support for Zope 3We are glad to announce new Python adapter for Sedna - zif.sedna. This adapter has been contributed by Jim Washington. zif.sedna provides a dbapi-like interface to Sedna (connections and cursors). It also provides a Zope 3 adapter with connection pooling. It is provisionally thread-safe. You can download zif.sedna from the Python Cheese Shop: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ Sedna team thanks Jim! |
01/24/2008 Python API Driver by Sedna Team releasedThis driver is based on C API so it is quite efficient. It is used by Sedna team in a number of projects. Tested on Linux and Windows. Download here. |
10/23/2007 Sedna 2.2 releasedNew:
Important note: Databases created with previous versions of Sedna will not work properly with Sedna 2.2. Please, use Sedna import/export utility to migrate your data to Sedna 2.2 (see Administration Guide, section 2.5). |
10/01/2007 XML:DB Driver For Java 1.1 ReleasedCharles Foster has released XML:DB Driver For Java version 1.1 Sedna XML:DB API 1.1: http://www.cfoster.net/sedna/
Included in this version is an underlying Database Connection Pooling Manager, it works in a very similar fashion to the way Apache Tomcat deals with JNDI/JDBC datasources. Because of this underlying Database Connection Pool management, Sedna XML:DB 1.1 can withstand great amounts of usage stress and is suitable to be placed in environments where updates, inserts and queries can be very frequent, e.g. a Servlet / JSP. For instance, if a JSP/Servlet is hit 100 times a second and the JSP/Servlet's job is to query, update and insert documents into Sedna. The Sedna XML:DB API 1.1 will process all requests successfully without fail. Using an API without Database Connection Pool management would result in some requests being successfull, but most unsuccessfull due to Sedna refusing a connection (by default Sedna can cope with a maximum of 50 concurrent connections). As of writing this post, Sedna XML:DB API 1.1 is the only API for Sedna with a Database Connection Pool manager. Sedna XML:DB 1.1 is completley compatible with XMLdbGUI - a Java Swing application which allows you to use/control an XML Database which supports an XML:DB API. Sedna XML:DB 1.1 should also be able to work with the very popular Apache Cocoon. |
07/10/2007 Sedna 2.1 releasedChanges:
Important note! Use export utility (see Administration Guide, section 2.5) to convert Sedna's 2.0 (or earlier) databases into Sedna 2.1 format. |
04/16/2007 Sedna 2.0 releasedWe are pleased to announce a version 2.0 of the Sedna XML database system. New:
New third-party contributions:
Thank you for your valuable contributions! |
02/28/2007 GREaT team has contributed Sedna Admin GUI toolGREaT team (CS department, Federal University Of Ceará) released the first version of Sedna Admin GUI tool. Features:
More infomation can be found at Sedna Admin home page. Thanks to GREaT team! |
01/26/2007 Nicolas Tsokas has contributed Sedna C API library and project for Borland C++ Builder 6.0Nicolas Tsokas has contributed Sedna C API (version 1.0.150) library and project for Borland C++ Builder 6.0. It is available from the Sedna download page. Thanks to Nicolas! |
10/16/2006 A comparison of Sedna, Ozone, and NeoCoreXMS is published on the Web.Nguyen Viet Cuong has written "Review of Sedna, Ozone, NeoCoreXMS". The review includes a comparison of the systems. In this comparison Sedna has the highest overall rating 8/10 (Ozone - 6/10, NeoCoreXMS - 7/10). |
07/02/2006 "Great Russian Encyclopedia" Publishing Company runs Sedna.GRE publishing company uses Sedna as the core component in its content management solution which is used to develop advanced information products based on encyclopedias and references. In this solution Sedna provides single-source publishing, powerful content reuse, superior search and navigation, and great flexibility in information products customization. |
06/28/2006 Sedna XML database system 1.0 released!We are pleased to announce a version 1.0 of the Sedna XML database system. Sedna is being developed since early 2003. It is our sixth release (previous releases were 0.1-0.5). Now Sedna has a quite complete set of features required for a database system. New:
04/10/2006 University of Alberta runs SednaUniversity of Alberta's Office of the Provost has developed and deployed a database application for searching academic awards and the University's recipients of these awards, using the Sedna XML database. The information in the awards database is stored and indexed in Sedna XML database to provide powerful search capabilities available. The content of the awards database can be edited via internal administrative interface powered by Sedna update facilities. You can visit the database here. |
01/12/2006 OmniMark includes support for SednaOmniMark version 8, the world's leading Content Processing platform, includes support for Sedna via the OmniMark database interface library (OMDB). Integrating Sedna support into OmniMark allows OmniMark developers to leverage the full power of XQuery and XML databases in content engineering applications. More information on Sedna and OmniMark integration can be found at: |
03/05/2005 Sedna API driver for Scheme is packaged as Chicken eggFelix Winkelmann has packaged Sedna API driver as Chicken egg. Many thanks to Felix. |