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Sedna Programmer’s GuideContents
1 Client Application Programming Interfaces
1.1 Java API 1.1.1 Sessions 1.1.2 Transactions Management 1.1.3 Statements 1.1.4 Results 1.1.5 Exceptions 1.1.6 Code Example 1.2 C API 1.2.1 Errors Handling 1.2.2 Connecting to a Database 1.2.3 Setting Session Options 1.2.4 Transactions Management 1.2.5 Getting Connection and Transaction Status 1.2.6 Executing Queries and Updates 1.2.7 Loading Data 1.2.8 Example Code 1.3 Scheme API 1.3.1 Sessions 1.3.2 Manage Transactions 1.3.3 Executing Queries and Updates 1.3.4 Bulk Load from Stream 1.3.5 Higher-level Function for a Transaction 1.3.6 Error handling 1.3.7 Code Example 2 Database Language 2.1 XQuery Support 2.2 XQuery Options and Extensions 2.2.1 Controlling Serialization 2.2.2 Value index-scan Functions 2.2.3 Full-Text Search Functions 2.2.4 SQL Connection 2.2.5 External Functions 2.2.6 Runtime Properties 2.3 Update Language 2.4 Bulk Load 2.4.1 CDATA section preserving 2.5 Data Definition Language 2.5.1 Managing Standalone Documents 2.5.2 Managing Collections 2.5.3 Managing Value Indices 2.5.4 Managing Full-Text Indices 2.5.5 Managing Modules 2.5.6 Retrieving Metadata 2.6 XQuery Triggers 2.6.1 Trigger Examples 2.7 Debug and Profile Facilities 2.7.1 Trace 2.7.2 Debug Mode 2.7.3 Explain Query 2.7.4 Profile Query 1 Client Application Programming InterfacesThe Sedna client application programming interfaces (APIs) provides programmatic access to Sedna from client applications developed in host programming languages. This section describes the client APIs distributed with Sedna.
1.1 Java API
1.1.1 Sessions 1.1.2 Transactions Management 1.1.3 Statements 1.1.4 Results 1.1.5 Exceptions 1.1.6 Code Example 1.2 C API 1.2.1 Errors Handling 1.2.2 Connecting to a Database 1.2.3 Setting Session Options 1.2.4 Transactions Management 1.2.5 Getting Connection and Transaction Status 1.2.6 Executing Queries and Updates 1.2.7 Loading Data 1.2.8 Example Code 1.3 Scheme API 1.3.1 Sessions 1.3.2 Manage Transactions 1.3.3 Executing Queries and Updates 1.3.4 Bulk Load from Stream 1.3.5 Higher-level Function for a Transaction 1.3.6 Error handling 1.3.7 Code Example 1.1 Java APIThe Java API provides programmatic access to XML data from the Java programming language. Using the Java API, applications written in the Java can access one or more databases of the Sedna DBMS and manipulate database data using the database language described in Section 2. Application working with the Sedna DBMS through the Java API operates with the following notions of the Java API: session, transaction, statement, result.
1.1.1 Sessions
1.1.2 Transactions Management 1.1.3 Statements 1.1.4 Results 1.1.5 Exceptions 1.1.6 Code Example 1.1.1 SessionsTo start working with Sedna application has to open a session via establishing an authenticated connection with the server. The Java API defines the SednaConnection interface to represent a session. To open a session application uses static method getConnection of the DatabaseManager class.
SednaConnection getConnection(String url,
String DBName, String user, String password) throws DriverException
Parameters: url - the name of the computer where the Sedna DBMS is running. This parameter may contain a port number. If the port number is not specified, the default port number (5050) is used. DBName - the name of the database to connect. user - user name. password - user password. If the connection is established and authentication succeeds the method returns an object that implements the SednaConnection interface. Otherwise, DriverException is thrown. Application can close session using the close method of the SednaConnection interface.
public void close() throws DriverException
If the server does not manage to close connection properly the close method throws DriverException. The isClosed method retrieves whether this connection has been closed or not. A connection is closed if the method close has been called on it or if certain fatal errors have occurred.
public boolean isClosed()
Setting connection into debug mode allows getting debug information when XQuery query fails due to some reason (see 2.7.2 for details). To set the connection into debug mode use setDebugMode method of SednaConnection interface:
public void setDebugMode(boolean debug)
Parameters: debug - set to true to turn debug mode on; set to false to turn debug mode off. Debug mode is off by default. Sedna supports fn:trace function for debugging purpose also (see 2.7.1 for details). By default trace output is included into XQuery query result. You can turn trace output on/off using setTraceOutput method of the SednaConnection interface:
public void setTraceOutput(boolean doTrace)
Parameters: doTrace - set to true to turn trace output on; set to false to turn trace output off. Trace output is on by default.
1.1.2 Transactions ManagementApplication can execute queries and updates against specified database only in the scope of a transaction. That is, once a session has been opened, application can begin a transaction, execute statements and commit (or rollback) this transaction. In the session transactions are processed sequentially. That is, application must commit a begun transaction before beginning a new one. To specify transaction boundaries application uses methods of the SednaConnection interface: begin, commit. The begin method begins a new transaction.
public void begin() throws DriverException
If the transaction has not begun successfully the begin method throws DriverException. The commit method commits a transaction.
public void commit() throws DriverException
If the transaction has not been committed successfully the commit method throws DriverException. To rollback transaction the rollback method is used.
public void rollback() throws DriverException
If the transaction has not been rollback successfully the rollback method throws DriverException. The Java API does not provide auto-commit mode for transactions. That is, every transaction must be explicitly started (by means of begin) and committed (by means of commit). If session is closed (by means of close) before a transaction committed, server does rollback for that transaction, and close throws DriverException.
1.1.3 StatementsThe SednaStatement interface provides methods for loading documents into the database, executing statements of the database language defined in Section 2 and retrieving results that statements produce. SednaStatement object is created using the createStatement method of the SednaConnection interface:
public SednaStatement createStatement()
throws DriverException
SednaStatement object may only be created on an open connection. Otherwise, the createStatement method throws DriverException. To load the document into the database use:
public void loadDocument(InputStream in,
String doc_name) throws DriverException, IOException
The in parameter is an input stream to get the document from. The doc_name parameter is the name for this document in the database. To load the document into the specified collection of the database use:
public void loadDocument(InputStream in,
String doc_name, String col_name) throws DriverException, IOException
The in parameter is an input stream to get the document from. The doc_name parameter is the name for this document in the database. The col_name parameter is the name of the collection to load the document into. To execute a statement the execute methods of the SednaStatement are used.
public boolean execute(String queryText)
throws DriverException
The queryText parameter contains the text of the statement.
public boolean execute(InputSteram in)
throws DriverException
The in parameter is some input stream to read an XQuery statement from. Some statements (such as XQuery statements or the retrieve metadata command) produce the result. In case of such statements, the execute methods return true and the result can be obtained as described in Section 1.1.4. In case of statements that do not produce the result (such as updates or bulk load), the execute methods return false. The results of XQuery queries to the Sedna DBMS can be represented either in XML or SXML [11]. To specify the type of the result use the following extended versions of the execute method:
boolean execute(InputStream in,
ResultType resultType) throws DriverException, IOException;
boolean execute(String queryText,
ResultType resultType) throws DriverException, IOException;
The resultType parameter is either ResultType.XML or ResultType.SXML.
1.1.4 ResultsThe SednaSerializedResult interface represents the result of the statement evaluation. Application can obtain the result using the getSerializedResult method of the SednaStatement interface.
public SednaSerializedResult getSerializedResult()
The result of the non-XQuery statement evaluation is retrieved as a sequence with only one item, where the item is a string. For example, in case of the retrieve descriptive schema command the result is a sequence with an item that is a descriptive schema represented as a string. The result of the XQuery statement evaluation is retrieved as a sequence of items, where every item is represented as a string. Application can use the next methods of the SednaSerializedResult interface to iterate over the result sequence:
public String next() throws DriverException
The method returns an item of the result sequence as a string. If the sequence has ended it returns null. It throws DriverException in the case of error.
public int next(Writer writer) throws DriverException
The method writes an item of the result sequence to some output stream using writer. It returns 0 if an item was retrieved and written successful, and 1 if the result sequence has ended. It throws DriverException in the case of error. Please, notice, that in the current version of the Sedna DBMS application has to execute statements and use the results of their execution sequentially. To explain this note, suppose application execute a statement, obtains a result of that statement execution and iterates over this result. If, after that, application executes next statement, it cannot iterate over the result of the previous statement any more.
1.1.5 ExceptionsThe DriverException class provides information about errors that occur while application works with the Sedna DBMS through the Java API. DriverException is also thrown when application loses its connection with the server.
1.1.6 Code ExampleIn this section we provide an example program that uses the Java API to work with Sedna DBMS. This application connects to the Sedna DBMS, opens a session. The session consists of one transaction. Application loads data from the file region.xml and executes the XQuery statement. When statement is executed, application drop the document, commits the transaction and closes the session.
import ru.ispras.sedna.driver.*;
class Client { public static void main(String args[]) { SednaConnection con = null; try { /* Get a connection */ con = DatabaseManager.getConnection("localhost", "testdb", "SYSTEM", "MANAGER"); /* Begin a new transaction */ con.begin(); /* Create statement */ SednaStatement st = con.createStatement(); /* Load XML into the database */ System.out.println("Loading data ..."); boolean res; res = st.execute("LOAD ’C:/region.xml’ ’region’"); System.out.println("Document ’region.xml’ "+ "has been loaded successfully"); /* Execute query */ System.out.println("Executing query"); res = st.execute("doc(’region’)/*/*"); /* Print query results */ printQueryResults(st); /* Remove document */ System.out.println("Removing document ..."); res = st.execute("DROP DOCUMENT ’region’"); System.out.println("Document ’region’ " + "has been dropped successfully"); /* Commit current transaction */ con.commit(); } catch(DriverException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { /* Properly close connection */ try { if(con != null) con.close(); } catch(DriverException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /* Pretty printing for query results */ private static void printQueryResults(SednaStatement st) throws DriverException { int count = 1; String item; SednaSerializedResult pr = st.getSerializedResult(); while ((item = pr.next()) != null) { System.out.println(count + " item: " + item); count++; } } }
The full-version source code of this example program can be found at:
[win:] INSTALL_DIR\examples\api\java\Client.java
[nix:] INSTALL_DIR/examples/api/java/Client.java where INSTALL_DIR refers to the directory where Sedna is installed. Before running the example make sure that the Sedna DBMS is installed and do the following steps:
You can compile and run the example following the steps listed below:
1.2 C APIlibsedna is the C application programmer’s interface to Sedna XML DBMS. libsedna is a set of library functions that allow client programs to access one or more databases of Sedna XML DBMS and manipulate database data using database language (XQuery and XUpdate) described in Section 2. libsedna library is supplied with two header files: "libsedna.h", "sp_defs.h". Client programs that use libsedna must include the header file libsedna.h, must link with the libsedna library and provide the compiler with the path to the directory where "libsedna.h", sp_defs.h files are stored. For convenience three versions of libsedna are provided on the Windows operating system:
On Unix-like operating systems the following versions of libsedna are provided:
1.2.1 Errors Handling
1.2.2 Connecting to a Database 1.2.3 Setting Session Options 1.2.4 Transactions Management 1.2.5 Getting Connection and Transaction Status 1.2.6 Executing Queries and Updates 1.2.7 Loading Data 1.2.8 Example Code 1.2.1 Errors HandlingC API provides set of functions for sessions and transactions management, query and update statements execution, etc. If the function fails it returns negative value. In this case application can obtain the error message and code which help to understand the reason of the error occurred. To get the last error message use SEgetLastErrorMsg function:
char* SEgetLastErrorMsg(SednaConnection* conn)
The function SEgetLastErrorCode returns the last error code occurred in the session:
int SEgetLastErrorCode(struct SednaConnection *conn)
1.2.2 Connecting to a DatabaseBefore working with Sedna an application has to declare variable of the SednaConnection type and initialize it in the following manner:
struct SednaConnection conn = SEDNA_CONNECTION_INITIALIZER;
Note 1 The initialization with SEDNA_CONNECTION_INITIALIZER is mandatory for Sedna version 0.5 and earlier. To start working with Sedna an application has to open a session via establishing an authenticated connection with the server using SEconnect:
int SEconnect(SednaConnection* conn,
const char* url, const char* db_name, const char* login, const char* password)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative and session is not opened:
To access multiple databases at one time or to better process its complex logic an application can have several sessions open at one time. When an application finished it’s work with the database, it must close the session. SEclose finishes the session and closes the connection to the server. SEclose also frees resources that were equipped by the call to SEconnect function, that is for every successful call to SEconnect there must be a call to SEclose in the client program. You must call SEclose both when application finishes its work with the database, and when application cannot work with the database anymore due to some error.
int SEclose(SednaConnection* conn)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
1.2.3 Setting Session OptionsAn application can set attributes that govern aspects of a session using SEsetConnectionAttr:
int SEsetConnectionAttr(struct SednaConnection *conn,
enum SEattr attr, const void* attrValue, int attrValueLength)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
Supported attributes:
An application can retrieve current value of hte connection attributes using SEgetConnectionAttr:
int SEgetConnectionAttr(struct SednaConnection *conn,
enum SEattr attr, void* attrValue, int* attrValueLength);
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
To reset all connection attributes to default values use:
int SEresetAllConnectionAttr(struct SednaConnection *conn);
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
1.2.4 Transactions ManagementAn application can execute queries and updates against the specified database only in the scope of a transaction. That is, once a session has been opened, an application can begin a transaction, execute statements and commit this transaction. In a session transactions are processed sequentially. That is, application must commit an ongoing transaction before beginning a new one. There are two ways to manage transactions in Sedna sessions: autocommit mode and manual-commit mode:
An application can switch between the two modes using SEsetConnectionAttr and SEgetConnectionAttr functions (see 1.2.3) for SEDNA_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT attribute. To specify transaction boundaries application uses SEbegin, SEcommit and SErollback functions. SEbegin function starts new transaction in the provided session:
int SEbegin(SednaConnection* conn)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
SEcommit function commits the current transaction:
int SEcommit(SednaConnection* conn)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
SErollback function rollbacks the current transaction:
int SErollback(SednaCommection* conn)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
1.2.5 Getting Connection and Transaction StatusAn application can obtain the connection status by SEconnectionStatus function:
int SEconnectionStatus(SednaConnection* conn)
Return values:
An application may obtain the transaction status by SEtransactionStatus function:
int SEtransactionStatus(SednaConnection* conn)
Return values:
1.2.6 Executing Queries and UpdatesThere are two functions to execute a statement (query or update): SEexecute function and SEexecuteLong function. First one reads statement from a C-string, the second reads long statement from a provided file. To get trace (fn:trace XQuery function) and debug information application may implement custom debug handler and set it using function: SEsetDebugHandler.
int SEexecute(SednaConnection* conn, const char* query)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
If the statement is really long, and you prefer to pass it to the Sedna directly from a file use SEexecuteLong function.
int SEexecuteLong(SednaConnection* conn,
const char* query_file_path)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
If SEexecute function or SEexecuteLong function return SEDNA_QUERY_SUCCEEDED, the result data can be retrieved. The result of XQuery query evaluation is a sequence of items, where every item is represented as a string. Use the SEnext function to iterate over the sequence and SEgetData function to retrieve the current item of the sequence.
int SEnext(SednaConnection* conn)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails or the is no result items available to retrieve, the return value is negative:
SEgetData function retrieves current item from the result sequence:
int SEgetData(SednaConnection* conn,
char* buf, int bytes_to_read)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is non-negative:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
Since version 1.5 Sedna supports reporting tracing information (fn:trace XQuery function). To handle tracing information while retrieving result data use debug handler debug_handler_t and SEsetDebugHandler function:
void SEsetDebugHandler(struct SednaConnection *conn,
debug_handler_t debug_handler)
For example the following debug handler prints out debug iformation to the stdout:
void my_debug_handler(enum SEdebugType subtype,
const char *msg) { printf("TRACE: "); printf("subtype(%d), msg: %s\n", subtype, msg); }
If the debug handler is not defined by the application, trace information is ignored.
1.2.7 Loading DataXML data can be loaded into a database using "LOAD" statement of the Data Manipulation Language (see 2.4). Besides, libsedna library provides SEloadData and SEendLoadData functions to load well-formed XML documents divided into parts of any convenient size. SEloadData functions loads a chunk of an XML document:
int SEloadData(SednaConnection* conn,
const char* buf, int bytes_to_load, const char* doc_name, const char* col_name)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
When the whole document is loaded using SEloadData, application must use SEendLoadData to notify server that transfer of an XML document is finished:
int SEendLoadData(SednaConnection* conn)
Return values: If the function succeeds, the return value is positive:
If the function fails, the return value is negative:
1.2.8 Example Code
#include "libsedna.h"
#include "stdio.h" int handle_error(SednaConnection* conn, const char* op, int close_connection) { printf("%s failed: \n%s\n", op, SEgetLastErrorMsg(conn)); if(close_connection == 1) SEclose(conn); return -1; } int main() { struct SednaConnection conn = SEDNA_CONNECTION_INITIALIZER; int bytes_read, res, value; char buf[1024]; /* Turn off autocommit mode */ value = SEDNA_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF; res = SEsetConnectionAttr(&conn, SEDNA_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, (void*)&value, sizeof(int)); /* Connect to the database */ res = SEconnect(&conn, "localhost", "test_db", "SYSTEM", "MANAGER"); if(res != SEDNA_SESSION_OPEN) return handle_error(&conn, "Connection", 0); /* Begin a new transaction */ res = SEbegin(&conn); if(res != SEDNA_BEGIN_TRANSACTION_SUCCEEDED) return handle_error(&conn, "Transaction begin", 1); /* Load file "region.xml" into the document "region" */ res = SEexecute(&conn, "LOAD ’region.xml’ ’region’"); if(res != SEDNA_BULK_LOAD_SUCCEEDED) return handle_error(&conn, "Bulk load", 1); /* Execute XQuery statement */ res = SEexecute(&conn, "doc(’region’)/*/*"); if(res != SEDNA_QUERY_SUCCEEDED) return handle_error(&conn, "Query", 1); /* Iterate and print the result sequence */ while((res = SEnext(&conn)) != SEDNA_RESULT_END) { if (res == SEDNA_ERROR) return handle_error(&conn, "Getting item", 1); do { bytes_read = SEgetData(&conn, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if(bytes_read == SEDNA_ERROR) return handle_error(&conn, "Getting item", 1); buf[bytes_read] = ’\0’; printf("%s\n", buf); } while(bytes_read > 0); } /* Drop document "region" */ res = SEexecute(&conn, "DROP DOCUMENT ’region’"); if(res != SEDNA_UPDATE_SUCCEEDED) return handle_error(&conn, "Drop document", 1); /* Commit transaction */ res = SEcommit(&conn); if(res != SEDNA_COMMIT_TRANSACTION_SUCCEEDED) return handle_error(&conn, "Commit", 1); /* Close connection */ res = SEclose(&conn); if(res != SEDNA_SESSION_CLOSED) return handle_error(&conn, "Close", 0); return 0; }
The full version of this example program can be found in:
[win:] INSTALL_DIR\examples\api\c\Client.c
[nix:] INSTALL_DIR/examples/api/c/Client.c
Here INSTALL_DIR refers to the directory where Sedna is installed. Before running the example make sure that the Sedna DBMS is installed and do the following steps:
You can compile and run the example by following the steps listed below:
1.3 Scheme APIScheme API allows querying and managing XML data from an application written in Scheme. Scheme API follows the spirit of SchemeQL [10], an implementation of SQL 1992 for Scheme. The results of XQuery statements to the Sedna DBMS via the Scheme API can be represented either in XML or SXML [11].
1.3.1 Sessions
1.3.2 Manage Transactions 1.3.3 Executing Queries and Updates 1.3.4 Bulk Load from Stream 1.3.5 Higher-level Function for a Transaction 1.3.6 Error handling 1.3.7 Code Example 1.3.1 SessionsFor working with the Sedna DBMS from Scheme, you should first establish a connection between the Scheme API driver and the Sedna DBMS. Here are two functions to manage connections:
> (sedna:connect-to-database host db-name user password)
: String String String String -> connection-object
Establishes a connection between the client application and the Sedna DBMS. Returns a ’connection’ object which encapsulate information about the connection. The arguments are strings that denote connection parameters:
To disconnect from the database, you can use the following function:
> (sedna:disconnect-from-database connection)
: connection-object -> void
Closes the connection represented by the connection object. If server fails to close the connection, the function closes the connection forcibly from the client side and raises the exception, as discussed in subsubsection 1.3.6.
1.3.2 Manage TransactionsAfter the connection with a database is established and the session is begun, you can run zero or more transactions in this session. Transactions are to be run sequentially, with no more than a single transaction at a time, so you should commit your running transaction before starting a new one. To begin a new transaction, the following function is provided:
> (sedna:begin-transaction connection)
: connection-object -> void
It accepts the connection object (earlier created by sedna:connect-to-database function) and starts a new transaction. If the transaction could not be created, the exception is raised, as discussed in subsubsection 1.3.6. To end your running transaction, you are provided with the following function:
> (sedna:end-transaction connection action)
: connection-object, symbol -> void
If action is ’COMMIT the transaction in the given connection will be committed, if ’ROLLBACK is given, the transaction will be rolled back.
1.3.3 Executing Queries and UpdatesWithin a transaction, you can execute zero or more queries to the database.
> (sedna:execute-query connection query)
: connection-object, string -> result
The first argument is the connection object, earlier created by sedna:connect-to-database function. The query is represented as a string and can express one of the following kinds of statements:
If an error occurs at the server side during query execution (e.g. the requested document not found), the function raises an exception that contains the message about the error occurred. In the successful case of query execution, sedna:execute-query returns #t for the last 3 kinds of queries, to denote a successful update made to the database. The XQuery query results to a sequence of items, which are evaluated lazily and are represented as a pair:
xquery-result ::= (cons current-item promise)
This way of result representation is very close to the notion of SchemeQL cursor [10] (with the only difference in that the Scheme API driver returns XQuery items instead of table rows returned by SchemeQL). The first member of the pair is the current-item represented in SXML, and the second member of the pair holds a promise (which can be forced) to evaluate and return the next item in the result sequence. To iterate over the result sequence, you can use the function:
> (sedna:next xquery-result)
: xquery-result -> xquery-result or ’()
which forces the evaluation of the following items in the result sequence, until the end of the sequence is reached. Such design allows you to process a query result in a lazy stream-wise fashion and provides you with an ability to process large query results, which would not otherwise fit in the main memory. However, for query results that are not very large, you may find it convenient to evaluate them all at once and represent the result sequence as a Scheme list. Scheme API provides a function that converts the xquery-result into the list that contains all items of the result sequence:
> (sedna:result->list xquery-result)
: xquery-result -> (listof item)
To obtain the result sequence in the form of the list, you can execute your queries as a superposition of the above considered functions:
(sedna:execute-query connection query))
It should be noted that the XQuery statement result in that case exactly corresponds to the term of a node-set in the XPath implementation in Scheme SXPath [14]. If you want to obtain your query results in XML instead of SXML, you can use the function:
> (sedna:execute-query-xml connection query)
: connection-object, string -> result
It is the counterpart of earlier discussed sedna:execute-query and has the same signature, but represents query results in XML. The function returns a sequence of items, in the form of xquery-result discussed above, but the current-item is now a string containing the representation for the current item in the form of XML.
1.3.4 Bulk Load from StreamThe following wrapper function provides a natural way to load an input stream containing an XML document into your database:
> (sedna:bulk-load-from-xml-stream
connection port document-name . collection-name) : connection-object, input-port, string [, collection-name] -> boolean
As for sedna:execute-query, the first argument here is the connection object, earlier created by sedna:connect-to-database function. Argument port is a Scheme input port and is supposed to contain a well-formed XML document. Argument document-name specifies the name that will be given to the XML document within a database. If the 4-th argument collection-name is supplied, the XML document is loaded into the collection which name is specified by the collection-name argument. If the 4-th argument of the function call is not supplied, the XML document is loaded into the database as a standalone document. By allowing you to specify the input port you would like to use, this function provides a higher-level shortcut for sedna:execute-query when bulk load from stream is concerned. For more details on bulk load, see section 2.4.
1.3.5 Higher-level Function for a TransactionThis higher-level function provides a convenient way for executing a transaction consisting of several queries, within a single function call:
> (sedna:transaction connection . queries)
: connection-object, string* -> result
This function starts a new transaction on the connection objects and executes all the queries given in order. If no exception occurs, the function commits the transaction and returns the result of the last query. If any exception occurred during query execution, the function sends rollback to the Sedna DBMS and passes along the exception to the application.
1.3.6 Error handlingError handling in the Scheme API driver is based on the exception mechanism suggested in the (currently withdrawn) SRFI-12 [12]. The SRFI-12 exception mechanism is natively supported in the Chicken Scheme compiler [13]. In the Scheme API driver, we also provide the SRFI-12 implementation for PLT and Gambit.
1.3.7 Code ExampleThis section presents an example that illustrates the application of the Scheme API driver.
; Load the necessary Scheme API driver files
(load "collect-sedna-plt.scm") ; Create a connection (define conn (sedna:connect-to-database "localhost" "testdb" "SYSTEM" "MANAGER")) ; Begin a transaction (sedna:begin-transaction conn) ; Bulk load (call/cc (lambda (k) (with-exception-handler ; Exception handler (lambda (x) (display "File already loaded to the database") (newline) (k #f)) (lambda () (sedna:execute-query conn "LOAD ’region.xml’ ’regions’"))))) ; Execute a statement and represent it as an SXML nodeset (pp (sedna:result->list (sedna:execute-query conn "doc(’region’)/*/*"))) ; Update statement (pp (sedna:execute-query conn "UPDATE delete doc(’region’)//africa")) ; Querying all regions once again (pp (sedna:result->list (sedna:execute-query conn "doc(’region’)/*/*"))) ; Commit transaction (sedna:end-transaction conn ’COMMIT) ; Close the connection (sedna:disconnect-from-database conn)
You can find the full version of this example and the Scheme API driver code in:
[win:] INSTALL_DIR\examples\api\scheme
[nix:] INSTALL_DIR/examples/api/scheme where INSTALL_DIR refers to the directory where Sedna is installed. Before running the example make sure that the Sedna DBMS is installed and do the following steps:
If the Sedna DBMS is running on the same computer as your Scheme application, you don’t need to change anything in the example code. If the Sedna DBMS is running on a remote machine, you should use the name of this machine when connecting to the database with sedna:connect-to-database function. For running the example supplied, you should copy all files from the folder:
[win:] INSTALL_DIR\examples\api\scheme
[nix:] INSTALL_DIR/examples/api/scheme into the folder where the Scheme API driver code is located
[win:] INSTALL_DIR\driver\scheme
[nix:] INSTALL_DIR/driver/scheme where INSTALL_DIR refers to the directory where Sedna is installed. You can use PLT DrScheme GUI to open and run "client.scm" in the graphical mode. You can also run the example from your command line, by typing:
mzscheme -gr client.scm
For running the example with a different Scheme implementation (Chicken or Gambit), uncomment the corresponding line at the beginning of the example code in "client.scm" and follow the instructions of the chosen Scheme implementation in running the program.
2 Database Language
2.1 XQuery Support
2.2 XQuery Options and Extensions 2.2.1 Controlling Serialization 2.2.2 Value index-scan Functions 2.2.3 Full-Text Search Functions 2.2.4 SQL Connection 2.2.5 External Functions 2.2.6 Runtime Properties 2.3 Update Language 2.4 Bulk Load 2.4.1 CDATA section preserving 2.5 Data Definition Language 2.5.1 Managing Standalone Documents 2.5.2 Managing Collections 2.5.3 Managing Value Indices 2.5.4 Managing Full-Text Indices 2.5.5 Managing Modules 2.5.6 Retrieving Metadata 2.6 XQuery Triggers 2.6.1 Trigger Examples 2.7 Debug and Profile Facilities 2.7.1 Trace 2.7.2 Debug Mode 2.7.3 Explain Query 2.7.4 Profile Query 2.1 XQuery SupportThe Sedna query language is XQuery [3] developed by W3C. Sedna conforms to January 2007 specification of XQuery except the following features:
Sedna also has full support for two optional XQuery features:
Sedna passes ”XML Query Test Suite (XQTS)” and has official ”almost passed” status. The detailed report can be found at http://www.w3.org/XML/Query/test-suite/XQTSReport.html
2.2 XQuery Options and Extensions
2.2.1 Controlling Serialization
2.2.2 Value index-scan Functions 2.2.3 Full-Text Search Functions 2.2.4 SQL Connection 2.2.5 External Functions 2.2.6 Runtime Properties 2.2.1 Controlling SerializationSerialization is the process of converting XML nodes evaluated by XQuery into a stream of characters. In Sedna serialization is carried out when the result of a query is returned to the user. You can control the serialization by setting the serialization parameters specified in [5]. Currently, Sedna supports the following serialization parameters:
To set a serialization parameter, use the output option in a query prolog. The output option is in the Sedna namespace (http://www.modis.ispras.ru/sedna) which is the predefined namespace in Sedna so you can omit its declaration. The value of the output option must have the following structure ”parameter-name=value; parameter-name=value”. Consider the following examples:
declare namespace se = "http://www.modis.ispras.ru/sedna";
declare option se:output "indent=yes; cdata-section-elements=script"; <x><script>K&R C</script><b>element</b></x>
As mentioned above, you may omit the Sedna namespace declaration:
declare option se:output "indent=yes; cdata-section-elements=script";
<x><script>K&R C</script><b>element</b></x>
This query is evaluated as follows:
<script><![CDATA[K&R C]]></script> <b>element</b> </x>
2.2.2 Value index-scan FunctionsIn the current version of Sedna, query executor does not use indices automatically. Use the following functions to enforce executor to employ indices.
index-scan ($title as xs:string,
$value as xdt:anyAtomicType, $mode as xs:string) as node()*
The index-scan function scans the index with the $title name and returns the sequence of nodes which keys are equal (less than, greater than, greater or equal, less or equal) to the search value $value. A Sedna error is raised if the search value can not be cast to the atomic type of the index. The $mode parameter of the xs:string type is used to set the type of the scan. The value of the parameter must be equal to one of the following: ’EQ’ (equal), ’LT’(less than), ’GT’ (greater than), ’GE’ (greater or equal), ’LE’ (less or equal).
index-scan-between ($title as xs:string,
$value1 as xdt:anyAtomicType, $value2 as xdt:anyAtomicType, $range as xs:string) as node()*
The index-scan-between scans the index with the $title name and returns the sequence of nodes which keys belong to the interval (segment, left half-interval, right half-interval) between the first $value1 and second $value2 search values. A Sedna error is raised if the search values can not be cast to the atomic type of the index. This function provides the $range parameter of the xs:string type to set the type of the scan. The value of the string must be equal to one of the following: ’INT’ (interval), ’SEG’ (segment), ’HINTR’ (right half-interval), ’HINTL’ (left half-interval). For example, to select the names of people who live in the London city employing the ”people” index defined in section 2.5.3, use the following expression:
index-scan("people", "London", "EQ")/name
2.2.3 Full-Text Search FunctionsPlease read section 2.5.4 before reading this section. In the current version of Sedna, query executor does not use full-text indices automatically. Use the following functions to enforce executor to employ indices.
ftindex-scan($title as xs:string,
$query as xs:string, $options as xs:string) as node()*
The ftindex-scan function scans the full-text index with the $title name and returns the sequence of items which satisfy the $query. If dtSearch [15] is used as full-text search backend, use dtSearch request language [16] to specify the query. DtSearch options dtsSearchAnyWords or dtsSearchAllWords may be specified in $options. For example, you can employ the ”articles” index defined in section 2.5.4 to select the titles of articles that contain word ”apple” but not ”pear”:
ftindex-scan("articles", "apple and not pear")/title
If native full-text indices are used, the following constructs can be used as parts of query:
All keywords (like CONTAINS and OR) must be upper-cased. The ftscan function returns those items of the input sequence $seq which satisfy the query $query. The function does not use indices and can be applied to any sequence of nodes, even those that are not indexed. The query $query is evaluated over the text representation constructed according to the $type and $customization_rules parameters. The values of the parameters are the same as those used when a full-text index is created (see section 2.5.4 for details).
ftscan($seq as node()*,
$query as xs:string, $type as xs:string, $customization_rules as xs:string) as node()*
For example, you can select the titles of articles that contain word ”apple” but not ”pear” without using indices and using special customization rules as follows:
"apple and not pear", "customized-value", (("b","string-value"),("a","delimited-value")))/title
2.2.4 SQL ConnectionSQL Connection allows access to relational databases from XQuery using SQL. The resulting relations are represented on-the-fly as sequences of XML-elements representing rows. These elements have sub-elements corresponding with the columns returned by the SQL query and thus can be easy processed in XQuery. All functions dealing with access to SQL data are located in the namespace http://modis.ispras.ru/Sedna/SQL which is referred as sql in the following function declarations and examples.
ConnectionsIn order to execute SQL queries on a RDBMS, you should first establish a connection to it using one of the sql:connect functions:
function sql:connect($db-url as xs:string) as xs:integer
function sql:connect($db-url as xs:string, $user as xs:string) as xs:integer function sql:connect($db-url as xs:string, $user as xs:string, $password as xs:string) as xs:integer function sql:connect($db-url as xs:string, $user as xs:string, $password as xs:string, $options as element()*) as xs:integer
These functions attempt to establish a database connection to the given URL using a user name and password if specified. They return a connection handle which could be then passed to sql:execute, sql:prepare, sql:close, sql:rollback, and sql:commit functions. If connection could not be established, a Sedna error is raised. All arguments of the sql:connect functions except for $db-url are optional:
To disconnect from the database, you can use the following function:
function sql:close($connection as xs:integer) as element()?
It closes database connection associated with connection handle $connection. A Sedna error is raised if operation cannot be completed.
Executing QueriesWhen a database connection is established you can start executing queries. Two types of query execution are supported: direct query execution and prepared query execution.
Direct QueriesSimple SQL queries are executed as the following XQuery example shows:
declare namespace sql="http://modis.ispras.ru/Sedna/SQL";
let $connection := sql:connect("odbc:MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver://localhost/somedb", "user", "pass") return sql:execute($connection, "SELECT * FROM people WHERE first = ’Peter’");
The result will be something like this:
<tuple first="Peter" last="Jackson" city="Wellington"/>
There are two functions for direct query execution:
function sql:execute($connection as xs:integer,
$statement as xs:string) as element()* function sql:execute($connection as xs:integer, $statement as xs:string, $query-options as element()*) as element()* These functions execute a SQL query and return a sequence of elements representing the query result. SQL query can be as both a query statement and an update statement. In case of query statement, the result sequence contains an element named ’row’ for each row of the query result. Each element contains as many children attributes as there are non-NULL fields in the corresponding result-row. Each attribute has the name of a row field. Fields with NULL values are not included. In case of update statement, empty sequence is returned.A Sedna error is raised on an erroneous statement. The sql:execute have the following arguments:
Update queries can be executed using the sql:exec-update function:
function sql:exec-update($connection as xs:integer,
$statement as xs:string) as xs:integer function sql:exec-update($connection as xs:integer, $statement as xs:string, $query-options as element()*) as xs:integer these functions are similar to sql:execute, but return the number of rows affected by an update query (instead of an empty sequence returned by sql:execute for update-queries). Function arguments are same as for sql:execute. The behaviour of this function is undefined for non-update queries.
Prepared StatementsSometimes it is more convenient or more efficient to use prepared SQL statements instead of direct query execution. In most cases, when a SQL statement is prepared it will be sent to the DBMS right away, where it will be compiled. This means that the DBMS does not have to compile a prepared statement each time it is executed. Prepared statements can take parameters. This allows using the same statement and supply it with different values each time you execute it, as in the following XQuery example:
declare namespace sql="http://modis.ispras.ru/Sedna/SQL";
let $connection := sql:connect("odbc:MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver://localhost/somedb", "user", "pass") let $statement := sql:prepare($connection, "INSERT INTO people(first, last) VALUES (?, ?)") return (sql:execute($statement, "John", "Smith"), sql:execute($statement, "Matthew", "Barney")) this XQuery code inserts two rows into table people and returns an empty sequence. To use prepared statements, first you need to create a prepared statement handle using the sql:prepare function:
function sql:prepare($connection as xs:integer,
$statement as xs:string) as xs:integer function sql:prepare($connection as xs:integer, $statement as xs:string, $query-options as element()*) as xs:integer these functions prepare a SQL statement for later execution and returns a prepared statement handle which can be used in the sql:execute and sql:exec-update functions. A Sedna error is raised on an erroneous statement. The sql:prepare functions have the following arguments:
There are two prepared statement execution functions, similar to direct query execution:
function sql:execute($prepared-statement as xs:integer,
$param1 as item()?, ...) as element()* this function is similar to sql:execute for direct queries and returns a sequence of elements representing the query result. The sql:execute function have the following arguments:
To execute a prepared update statement you may use exec-update function:
function sql:exec-update($prepared-statement as xs:integer,
$param1 as item()?, ...) as xs:integer This function is similar to sql:execute, but returns the number of rows affected by an update query (instead of an empty sequence returned by sql:execute for update-queries). Function arguments are the same as for sql:execute. The behavior of this function is undefined for non-update queries.
TransactionsThe default commit mode of connection is auto-commit, meaning that all updates will be committed automatically. If this is not desired behaviour, you can pass manual-commit option to sql:connect when you create a connection handle. In manual commit mode you can specify when updates will be committed or rolled back:
declare namespace sql="http://modis.ispras.ru/Sedna/SQL";
let $connection := sql:connect("odbc:MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver://localhost/testdb", "user-name", "user-password", <sql:option name="manual-commit" value="1"/>) return for $person in doc("auction")/person return ( sql:execute($connection, "<do something with person>"), if (fn:all-is-ok($connection, $person)) then ( sql:execute($connection, "<do something with person>"), sql:commit($connection) ) else sql:rollback($connection))
There are two functions for specifying transaction boundaries - sql:commit and sql:rollback (transactions are started automatically by queries, these functions only close them):
function sql:commit($connection as xs:integer) as element()?
sql:commit function commits all changes made during the last transaction in the database connection specified by connection handle $connection and closes transaction. A Sedna error is raised if operation cannot be completed. Function sql:rollback rolls back all changes made during the last transaction in the database connection specified by the connection handle $connection and closes transaction. A Sedna error is raised if operation cannot be completed.
function sql:rollback($connection as xs:integer) as element()?
2.2.5 External FunctionsExternal function is a notion defined in the XQuery specification [3] as follows: ”External functions are functions that are implemented outside the query environment”. Support for external functions allows you to extend XQuery by implementing functions in other languages. Sedna provides a server programming API to write external functions in the C/C++ language. External functions in Sedna are limited to dealing with sequences of atomic values. External functions are compiled and linked in the form of shared libraries (i.e. .dll files in Windows or .so files in Linux/FreeBSD and .dylib in Mac OS) and loaded by the server on demand. Although the Sedna XQuery executor evaluates queries in a lazy manner, all external function calls are evaluated in an eager manner.
Using External FunctionsTo use an external function you need to declare this function in prologue with external keyword instead of function body. Then it may be used normally:
declare function se:f($a as xs:integer) as $xs:integer external;
Creating External FunctionsExternal functions must be written in C/C++. To implement a new XQuery function func you should write the following C (or C++) functions: func, func_init and func_deinit. When executor decides that it needs to use an external function, first it initializes this function by calling func_init, after that it will call func to compute results as many times as needed. When some external function is not needed anymore, executor calls func_deinit (which probably will free any memory allocated by func_init). Each one of the three functions receives an SEDNA_EF_INIT1 structure as a parameter. This structure has several fields that are initialized by executor before any func_init or func_deinit calls:
typedef struct sedna_ef_init
{ void *(*sedna_malloc)(size_t); void (*sedna_free)(void *); SEDNA_SEQUENCE_ITEM *item_buf; } SEDNA_EF_INIT; The fields of this structure may be used in your implementation:
func, func_init and func_deinit must have specific signatures:
When func, func_init or func_deinit is being executed error_msg_buf contains an empty string. If function succeedes, it should leave this value empty. In case of error a non-empty string (error description) must be placed in error_msg_buf (if you place an empty string in error_msg_buf executor assumes that function execution was successful). Each shared library must also export an null-terminated array with the names of the XQuery functions defined by this library:
char const *ef_names[] = {"func", NULL};
The file sedna_ef.h defines several types for representing function arguments and results:
Location of External Function LibrariesCompiled libraries must be placed in the directory lib that is (1) in the same directory where the directory data with database data is located or (2) in the directory <db_name>_files where database data are stored2 . Libraries that are database-independent should be placed in (1). Libraries that are database-specific should be placed in (2). Overloaded functions are not allowed. If two libraries located in (1) and (2) contain functions with the same name, a function from the library in (2) is called. If libraries in the same directory (1 or 2) contain functions with the same name, it is not specified which one is called. There is a sample external function code available in the folder:
[win:] INSTALL_DIR\examples\api\external-functions\c\
[nix:] INSTALL_DIR/examples/api/external-functions/c/ where INSTALL_DIR refers to the directory where Sedna is installed. 2.2.6 Runtime PropertiesThe se:get-property function provides a method for applications to determine in runtime the current values of system parameters, configurable limits, environment information. The name argument specifies the system variable to be queried. The function is defined within the predefined Sedna namespace (se prefix) as follows:
se:get-property($name as xs:string) as item()
The available names are as follows:
2.3 Update LanguageThe update language is based on the XQuery update proposal by Patrick Lehti [6] with the number of improvements. Note 2 The result of each update statement, shouldn’t break the well-formedness and validness of XML entities, stored in the database. Otherwise, an error is raised. Sedna provides several kinds of update statements:
The syntax and semantics of these expressions are described in the following sections.
Insert StatementThe insert statement inserts result of the given expression at the position identified by the into, preceding or following clauses:
insert SourceExpr (into|preceding|following) TargetExpr SourceExpr identifies the ordered sequence of the nodes to be inserted. The into, preceding or following clause identifies the position. For each node in the result sequence of TargetExpr, the result sequence of SourceExpr is inserted to the position identified by the into, preceding or following clauses. If the into clause is specified, the sequence is appended to the random position of the child sequence for each node in the result of TargetExpr. If the preceding clause is specified, the sequence is appended before each node in the result of TargetExpr. If the following clause is specified, the sequence is appended after each node in the result of TargetExpr. Error is raised if one of the following conditions is met:
For example, the following update statement inserts new warning element into all blood_pressure elements which have systolic value greater than 180:
insert <warning>High Blood Pressure!</warning> preceding doc("hospital")//blood_pressure[systolic>180]
Delete StatementThe DELETE statement removes persistent nodes from the database. It contains a subexpression, that returns the nodes to be deleted.
delete Expr Expr identifies the nodes to be removed from the database. Note, that nodes are removed from the database with all their descendants. Error is raised if one of the following conditions is met:
The following update statement deletes all blood_pressure nodes which contain systolic value higher than 180:
delete doc("hospital")//blood_pressure[systolic>180]
Delete Undeep StatementThe DELETE_UNDEEP statement removes nodes identified by Expr, but in contrast to the DELETE statement it leaves the descendants of the nodes in the database.
delete_undeep Expr Expr identifies the nodes to be removed from the database. Error is raised if one of the following conditions is met:
Consider the following example. The document named a.xml before update:
<B> <C/> <D/> </B> </A> The following delete undeep statement removes B nodes and makes C and D nodes children of the A element:
delete_undeep doc("a.xml")//B This is how the a.xml document will look after the update:
<C/> <D/> </A>
Replace StatementThe REPLACE statement is used to replace nodes in an XML document in the following manner:
replace $var [as type] in SourceExpr with TargetExpr($var) Replace statement iterates over all the nodes returned by the SourceExpr, binding the variable $var to each node. For each binding the result of the TargetExpr($var) expression is evaluated. Each node returned by the SourceExpr is replaced with the returned sequence of nodes. Note that TargetExpr is executed over the original document without taking into account intermediate updates performed during execution of this statement. Error is raised if one of the following conditions is met:
The $var variable bound in replace clause may have an optional type declaration. If the type of a value bound to the variable does not match the declared type, an error is raised. In the following example the salary of persons named ”John” is doubled.
replace $p in doc("foo.xml")/db/person[name="John"] with <person> {($p/@*, $p/node()[not(self::salary)], for $s in $p/salary return <salary>{$s*2}</salary>)} </person>
Rename StatementThe RENAME statement is used to change the qualified name of an element or attribute:
rename TargetExpr on QName Rename statement changes name property of the all nodes returned by the TargetExpr expression with a new QName. Error is raised if one of the following conditions is met:
The following expression changes the name of all the job elements without changing their contents:
rename doc("foo.xml")//job on profession
2.4 Bulk LoadTo bulk load a stand alone document use the following statements:
LOAD "path_to_file" "document_name"
The first parameter is a path to the file which contains a document to be loaded. The second parameter is the name for this document in the database. For example,
LOAD "/opt/test.xml" "test"
loads file /opt/test.xml into database as a stand-alone document with name test. To load document into a collection, use the following statement:
LOAD "path_to_file" "document_name" "collection_name"
The first parameter is a path to the file which contains a document to be loaded. The second parameter is the name for this document in the database. The third parameter is the collection name to load the document into. For example,
LOAD "/opt/mail-01.xml" "mail-01" "mails"
loads file /opt/mail-01.xml into collection mails. For performing bulk load not from the source file but from an input stream, use the following statements (first for loading stand alone document, second - for loading into a collection):
LOAD STDIN "document_name"
LOAD STDIN "document_name" "collection_name"
Compared to the above bulk load statements, here the "file_name" is replaced by the keyword STDIN to denote that the file to be loaded is taken from the input stream. Characters in the input stream must form a well-formed XML document, which is loaded into the database and named as specified by "document_name". If collection_name is set, the document is loaded into the specified collection of the database. By default, the standard input stream is used. You can redirect a different input stream to be used as an input for bulk load. For example, an XML document produced by some program as its output can be loaded to a Sedna database in a stream-wise fashion. To redirect the input when working from a command line, you can use the functionality provided by your operation system. Java and Scheme APIs provide additional wrappers for bulk load from stream, such that the input stream can be specified by an additional argument of a function call. By default, Sedna removes boundary whitespace according to the boundary-space policy defined in [3]. To control boundary whitespace processing, use boundary-space declaration [3] in the prolog of the LOAD statement. The following example illustrates a boundary-space declaration that instructs Sedna to preserve whitespace while loading auction.xml document:
declare boundary-space preserve;
LOAD "auction.xml" "auction"
Notice, that heavy bulk-loads might be greatly optimized by setting SEDNA_LOG_AMOUNT connection attribute to SEDNA_LOG_LESS (see Section 1.2.3 for more information).
2.4.1 CDATA section preservingIt is possible to save the formatting of continuous CDATA sections with cdata-section-preserve option.
declare option se:bulk-load "cdata-section-preserve=yes";
LOAD "auction.xml" "auction"
The cdata-section-preserve=yes option makes text nodes within CDATA sections to be serialized within CDATA sections. CDATA section formatting is saved only for the whole text node and this property of text node is inherited when text node is appended. E.g. in the following document fragment CDATA section will be serialized as it appears in document:
<a><![CDATA[<example data>]]></a>
But the next fragment will not be saved with mixed formatting.
<a><![CDATA[<example]]> data<![CDATA[>]]></a>
Instead, it will be serialized in the same way as prevoius one, i.e. the whole text will be in CDATA section.
2.5 Data Definition LanguageThis section describes Sedna Data Definition Language (DDL) that is used to create and manage the database structures that will hold data. Most of parameters of Sedna DDL are computable and specified as XQuery expressions. The expected type of all the parameters is xs:string. All parameters are evaluated and atomized. If the atomized value is not of xs:string, a dynamic error is raised.
2.5.1 Managing Standalone Documents
2.5.2 Managing Collections 2.5.3 Managing Value Indices 2.5.4 Managing Full-Text Indices 2.5.5 Managing Modules 2.5.6 Retrieving Metadata 2.5.1 Managing Standalone Documents
CREATE DOCUMENT doc-name-expr
The CREATE DOCUMENT statement creates a new standalone document with the name that is the result of doc-name-expr.
DROP DOCUMENT doc-name-expr
The DROP DOCUMENT statement drops the standalone document with the name that is the result of doc-name-expr. For example, next statement:
CREATE DOCUMENT "report" creates a documentnamed ”report”, while:
There is a system document $documents which lists all available documents and collections. For details on retrieving metadata see 2.5.6 section.
2.5.2 Managing CollectionsSedna provides a mechanism of organizing multiple documents into a collection. Collection provides a uniform way of writing XQuery and XML update statements addressed to multiple documents at once. Collections are preferable for situations when a group of documents is to be queried/updated by means of not referring to their individual document names, but according to some conditions over their content. In a Sedna database, a document can be either a standalone one (when it doesn’t belong to any collection) or belonging to some collection. Compared to standalone documents, all documents within a given collection have a common descriptive schema. The common descriptive schema (which can be considered as a union of individual descriptive schemas for all documents that belong to a collection) allows addressing XQuery and XML update queries to all members of a collection. Below is the specification of syntax and semantic of statements that manage collections.
CREATE COLLECTION coll-name-expr
The CREATE COLLECTION statement creates a new collection with the name that is the result of coll-name-expr. For example, CREATE COLLECTION "mails" creates a collection named ”mails”. XML documents can be loaded into the collection, as previously described in section 2.4. To access a single document from collection in an XQuery or XML update query, the document function accepts a collection name as its second optional argument:
doc($doc as xs:string,
$col as xs:string) as document-node() The function returns the document with the $doc name that belongs to the collection named $col. For example, doc(’mail-01’, ’mails’) query returns documents with name mail-01 from collection mails.
fn:collection($col as xs:string?) as document-node()*
The function collection can be called from any place within an XQuery or XML update query where the function call is allowed. The collection function returns the sequence of all documents that belong to the collection named $col. The relative order of documents in a sequence returned by collection function is currently undefined in Sedna. Conventional XQuery predicates can be used for filtering the sequence returned by the collection function call, for selecting certain documents that satisfy the desired condition.
CREATE DOCUMENT doc-name-expr IN COLLECTION coll-name-expr
This statement creates a new document named doc-name-expr in a collection named coll-name-expr. For example, the following statement:
creates a document named ”mail” in the collection named ”mails”.
DROP DOCUMENT doc-name-expr IN COLLECTION coll-name-expr
The DROP DOCUMENT IN COLLECTION statement drops the document named doc-name-expr located in the collection named coll-name-expr.
DROP COLLECTION coll-name-expr
The DROP COLLECTION statement drops the collection with the coll-name-expr name from the database. If the collection contains any documents, these documents are dropped as well.
RENAME COLLECTION old-name-expr INTO new-name-expr
The RENAME COLLECTION statement renames collection with the name that is result of the old-name-expr. The new name is assigned which is result of the new-name-expr. Both result of the old-name-expr and result of the new-name-expr after atomization applied must be either of type xs:string (or derived) or promotable to xs:string. There is a system document $collections which lists all available collections. For details on retrieving metadata see 2.5.6 section.
2.5.3 Managing Value IndicesSedna supports value indices to index XML element content and attribute values. Index could be based on two different structure types: B+ tree and BST (experimental) (Block String Trie). Below is the description of statements to manage indices.
CREATE INDEX title-expr
ON Path1 BY Path2 AS type [USING tree-type]
The CREATE INDEX creates an index on nodes (specified by Path1) by keys (specified by Path2). Path1 is an XPath expression without any filter expressions that identifies the nodes of a document or a collection that are to be indexed. Path2 is an XPath expression without any filter expressions that specifies the relative path to the nodes whose string-values are used as keys to identify the nodes returned by the Path1 expression. The Path2 expression should not start with ’/’ or ’//’. The full path from the root of documents (that may be in a collection) to the key nodes is Path1/Path2. For instance, let Path1 be doc("a")/b/c and Path2 be d. Let X be the node returned by the Path1 expression, and Y be one of the nodes returned by the doc("a")/b/c/d expression. If Y is the descendant of X, then the value of Y is used as the key for searching the node X. title-expr is the title of the index created. It should be unique for each index in the database. type is an atomic type which the value of the keys should be cast to. The following types are supported for B-tree: xs:string, xs:integer, xs:float, xs:double, xs:date, xs:time, xs:dateTime, xs_yearMonthDuration, xs_dateTimeDuration. Note that BST supports xs:string only. tree-type defines the structure that would be used for index storage. This argument is optional. Index is stored using B+ tree structure by default and it’s a good choice in the general case. But there is one more implemented structure that could show great disk-space economy in certain situations. BST is based on prefix tree (or trie) conception. Main distinguishing features are:
In the case of appropriate usage BST can store indexes up to 4 times more compressed with the same search speed in comparison with B+ tree. The following tree-type are supported: "btree" for B+ tree (default), "bstrie" for BST. Note 3 BST feature is experimental at this moment; do not use it in production or any critical applications. In the following example, people are indexed by the names of their cities. To generate the index keys, city names are cast to the xs:string type. B+ tree is used for index storage.
ON doc("auction")/site//person BY address/city AS xs:string
The following example is exactly the same as the previous but uses BST for index storage:
ON doc("auction")/site//person BY address/city AS xs:string USING "bstrie"
To remove an index, use the following statement:
DROP INDEX title-expr
The DROP INDEX statement removes the index named title-expr from the database. Note 4 In the current version of Sedna, query executor does not use indices automatically. You can enforce the executor to employ indices by using the XQuery index-scan functions specified in section 2.2.2.
2.5.4 Managing Full-Text IndicesSedna allows to build full-text indices in order to combine XQuery with full-text search facilities. Resulting indices need to be used explicitly via full-text search functions (see 2.2.3), XQuery full text extensions are not supported. Sedna can be integrated with dtSearch [15], a commercial text retrieval engine, which provides full-text indices. As dtSearch is a third party commercial product, Sedna does not include dtSearch. If you are interested in using Sedna with dtSearch, please contact us. Below is the description of statements to manage full-text indices in Sedna.
ON path TYPE type [ WITH OPTIONS options ]
The CREATE INDEX indexes nodes (specified by path) by a text representation of the nodes. The text representations of the nodes are constructed according to type parameter value. title-expr is the title of the index created. It should be unique for each full-text index in the database. path is an XPath expression without any filter expressions that identifies the nodes of a document or a collection that are to be indexed. An example of the path expression is as follows doc("foo")/library//article. type specifies how the text representations of nodes are constructed when the nodes are indexed. type can have one of the following values:
options is a sting of the following form: "option=value{,option=value}". It denotes options used for index constuction. The following options are available:
Options for native backend:
In the following example, articles are indexed by their contents represented as XML.
ON doc("foo")/library//article TYPE "xml"
The example below illustrates the use of "customized-value" type.
ON doc("foo")//message TYPE "customized-value" (("b", "string-value"), ("a", "delimited-value"))
To remove a full-text index, use the following statement:
The DROP FULL-TEXT INDEX statement removes the full-text index named title-expr from the database. Note 5 In the current version of Sedna, query executor does not use full-text indices automatically. You can enforce the executor to employ indices by using the XQuery full-text search functions specified in section 2.2.3.
2.5.5 Managing ModulesXQuery allows putting functions in library modules, so that they can be shared and imported by any query. A library module contains a module declaration followed by variable and/or function declarations. The module declaration specifies its target namespace URI which is used to identify the module in the database. For more information on modules see the XQuery specification [3]. Before a library module could be imported from an query, it is to be loaded into the database. To load a module, use the following statement.
LOAD MODULE "path_to_file", ..., "path_to_file"
Each path_to_file specifies a path to the file. If only one parameter is supplied, it refers to the file which contains the module definition. The module definition can also be divided into several files. In this case all files must have a module declaration with the same target namespace URI (otherwise an error is raised). For example, suppose that you have the following module stored in math.xqlib.
module namespace math = "http://example.org/math";
declare variable $math:pi as xs:decimal := 3.1415926; declare function math:increment($num as xs:decimal) as xs:decimal { $num + 1 }; declare function math:square($num as xs:decimal) as xs:decimal { $num * $num };
You can load this module as follows.
LOAD MODULE "math.xqlib"
Once an library module is loaded into the database, it can be imported into an query using conventional XQuery module import [3]. For example, you can import the above module as follows.
import module namespace math = "http://example.org/math";
To replace an already loaded module with new one, use the following statement.
LOAD OR REPLACE MODULE "path_to_file", ..., "path_to_file"
To remove a library module from the database, use the following statement.
DROP MODULE "target_namespace_URI"
It results in removing the library module with the given target namespace URI from the database. You can obtain information about modules loaded into the database by querying the system collection named $modules as follows collection("$modules").
2.5.6 Retrieving MetadataYou can retrieve various metadata about database objects (such as documents, collections, indexes, etc.) by querying system documents and collections listed below. Names of the system documents and collections start with $ symbol. The system documents and collections (except the ones marked with * symbol) are not persistent but generated on the fly. You can query these documents as usual but you cannot update them. Also these documents are not listed in the $documents system document.
The statistical information in $document_<name> and $collection_<name> documents contains the following elements:
2.6 XQuery TriggersXQuery triggers support in Sedna is provided as an XQuery extension. To create a trigger into the Sedna database you have to issue the following CREATE TRIGGER statement:
CREATE TRIGGER trigger-name
( BEFORE | AFTER ) (INSERT | DELETE | REPLACE) ON path ( FOR EACH NODE | FOR EACH STATEMENT ) DO { Update-statement ($NEW, $OLD,$WHERE); . . . Update-statement ($NEW, $OLD,$WHERE); XQuery-statement ($NEW, $OLD, $WHERE); }
The DROP TRIGGER statement drops the trigger with the name which is the result of the trigger-name-expression:
DROP TRIGGER trigger-name-expression
Triggers can be defined to execute either before or after any INSERT, DELETE or REPLACE operation, either once per modified node (node-level triggers), or once per XQuery statement (statement-level triggers). If a trigger event occurs, the trigger’s action is called at the appropriate time to handle the event. Create Trigger Parameters:
XQuery statement in the trigger action of a node-level trigger can return a node to the calling executor, if they choose. A node-level-trigger fired before an operation has the following choices:
The trigger action return value is ignored for node-level triggers fired after an operation, and for all statement-level triggers, and so they may as well return empty sequence. If more than one trigger is defined for the same event on the same document, the triggers will be fired in alphabetical order by trigger name. In the case of before triggers, the possibly-modified node returned by each trigger becomes the input to the next trigger. If any before trigger returns empty sequence, the operation is abandoned for that node and subsequent triggers are not fired. Typically, node-level-before triggers are used for checking or modifying the data that will be inserted or updated. For example, a before trigger might be used to insert the current time node as a child of the inserting node, or to check that two descendants of the inserting node are consistent. Node-level-after triggers are most sensibly used to propagate the updates to other documents, or make consistency checks against other documents. The reason for this division of labor is that an after-trigger can be certain it is seeing the final value of the node, while a before-trigger cannot; there might be other before triggers firing after it. When designing your trigger-application note, that node-level triggers are typically cheaper than statement-level ones. If a trigger function executes update-statement then these commands may fire other triggers again (cascading triggers). Currently trigger cascading level in Sedna is limited to 10. Note 6 Currently is it prohibited in a trigger action to update the same document or collection that is being updated by the outer update statement that has fired this trigger.
Figure 1: Update and trigger path lengths needed for trigger firing
Note also that hierarchy of the XML data sometimes can affect the trigger firing in a complicated way. For example, if a node is deleted with all its descendant subtree, then a DELETE-trigger set on the descendants of the deleting node is fired. In this situation length of trigger path >= length of update path. In general, triggers fire according to the table in figure 1. 2.6.1 Trigger ExamplesThe following trigger is set on insertion of person nodes. When some person node is inserted, the trigger analyzes its content and modifies it in the following way. If the person is under 14 years old, the trigger inserts additional child node age-group with the text value ’infant’: if the person is older than 14 years old - the trigger inserts age-group node with value ’adult’:
BEFORE INSERT ON doc("auction")/site//person FOR EACH NODE DO { if($NEW/age < 14) then <person>{attribute id {$NEW/@id}} {$NEW/*} <age-group>infant</age-group> </person> else <person>{attribute id {$NEW/@id}} {$NEW/*} <age-group>adult</age-group> </person>; }
The following trigger tr2 prohibits (throws exception) stake increase if the person has already more than 3 open auctions:
BEFORE INSERT ON doc("auction")/site/open_auctions/open_auction/bidder FOR EACH NODE DO { if(($NEW/increase > 10.5) and (count($WHERE/../open_auction [bidder/personref/@person=$NEW/personref/@person]) > 3)) then error(xs:QName("tr2"),"The increase is prohibited") else ($NEW); }
The following trigger tr3 cancels person node deletion if there are any open auctions referenced by this person:
BEFORE DELETE ON doc("auction")/site//person FOR EACH NODE DO { if(exists( $WHERE//open_auction/bidder/personref/@person=$OLD/@id)) then () else $OLD; }
The next statement-level trigger tr4 maintains statistics in the document named stat. When this trigger is fired, the update operation is completed - that gives the possibility to make aggregative checks on the updated data. After deletion of any node in the auction document, the trigger refreshes statistics in stat and throws exception if there are more than 50 persons left:
AFTER DELETE ON doc("auction")//* FOR EACH STATEMENT DO { UPDATE replace $b in doc("stat")/stat with <stat> <open_auctions> {count(doc("auction")//open_auction)} </open_auctions> <closed_auctions> {count(doc("auction")//closed_auction)} </closed_auctions> <persons> {count(doc("auction")//person)} </persons> </stat>; UPDATE insert if(count(doc("auction")//person) < 10) then <warning> "Critical number of person left in the auction" </warning> else () into doc("stat")/stat; }
2.7 Debug and Profile FacilitiesSedna provides several tracing, debug and perfomance profiling tools that can help to monitor and analyze queries and update statements:
2.7.1 TraceSedna supports standard XQuery function fn:trace [4] providing user helper facility to trace queries. While executing XQuery query using fn:trace function intermediate results are shown to the user. For example in Sedna Terminal the query with fn:trace function will provide the following output. Trace information is marked with ## string: Query:
let $r:= trace(doc("region")/regions/*, "## ")
return $r[id_region="afr"]
## <africa><id_region>afr</id_region></africa>
<africa> <id_region>afr</id_region> </africa> ## <asia><id_region>asi</id_region></asia> ## <australia><id_region>aus</id_region></australia> ## <europe><id_region>eur</id_region></europe> ## <namerica><id_region>nam</id_region></namerica> ## <samerica><id_region>sam</id_region></samerica>
If you want to use trace facility in your application working through Sedna API you should set your own debug handler as it is shown in 1.2.6 section.
2.7.2 Debug ModeIn addition to trace facility provided by standard XQuery fn:trace function (see previous section, 2.7.1 ) debug mode can be turned on in Sedna Terminal (for details see ”Sedna Terminal” section of the Sedna’s Administration Guide) or in your application using corresponding Sedna API functions (see 1.2.3 section). Each query in Sedna is represented and executed internally as a tree of the physical operations. Debug mode is mechanism that allows to get stack of the physical operations after dynamic error was raised. It serves two goals:
Let us consider the following query to illustrate execution in the debug mode: Query:
(: In this query dynamic error will be raised :)
(: due to "aaaa" is not castable to xs:integer. :) declare function local:f($i as item()) as xs:integer { $i cast as xs:integer }; for $i in (1,2,3,"aaaa") return local:f($i)
2 3 <stack xmlns=’http://www.modis.ispras.ru/sedna’> <operation name=’PPCast’ line=’3’ column=’4’ calls=’7’/> <operation name=’PPFunCall’ line=’7’ column=’8’ calls=’7’/> <operation name=’PPReturn’ line=’6’ column=’5’ calls=’4’/> <operation name=’PPQueryRoot’ calls=’4’/> </stack> SEDNA Message: ERROR FORG0001 Invalid value for cast/constructor. Details: Cannot convert to xs:integer type Query line: 3, column:4
As you can see in the output above each item of the operations stack list consists of the following parts:
2.7.3 Explain QueryThe explain statement has the following syntax:
{XQuery or Update statement to explain} Each query in Sedna is represented and executed internally as a tree of the physical operations. With the help of EXPLAIN statement you can obtain detailed query execution plan which shows how Sedna executes this query. The following query illustrates EXPLAIN statement execution: Query:
declare function local:fact($i as xs:integer) as xs:integer { if ($i <= 1) then 1 else $i * local:fact($i - 1) }; local:fact(10)
<prolog xmlns="http://www.modis.ispras.ru/sedna">
<function id="0" function-name="local:fact" type="xs:integer"> <arguments> <argument descriptor="0" type="xs:integer"/> </arguments> <operation name="PPIf" position="2:5"> <operation name="PPLMGeneralComparison" comparison="le" position="2:12"> <operation name="PPVariable" descriptor="0" variable-name="i" position="2:9"/> <operation name="PPConst" type="xs:integer" value="1" position="2:15"/> </operation> <operation name="PPConst" type="xs:integer" value="1" position="3:10"/> <operation name="PPCalculate" position="4:10"> <operation name="BinaryOp" operation="*"> <operation name="LeafAtomOp"> <operation name="PPVariable" descriptor="0" variable-name="i" position="4:10"/> </operation> <operation name="LeafAtomOp"> <operation name="PPFunCall" id="0" function-name="local:fact" position="4:15"> <operation name="PPCalculate" position="4:26"> <operation name="BinaryOp" operation="-"> <operation name="LeafAtomOp"> <operation name="PPVariable" descriptor="0" variable-name="i" position="4:26"/> </operation> <operation name="LeafAtomOp"> <operation name="PPConst" type="xs:integer" value="1" position="4:31"/> </operation> </operation> </operation> </operation> </operation> </operation> </operation> </operation> </function> </prolog> <query xmlns="http://www.modis.ispras.ru/sedna"> <operation name="PPQueryRoot"> <operation name="PPFunCall" id="0" function-name="local:fact" position="7:1"> <operation name="PPConst" type="xs:integer" value="10" position="7:12"/> </operation> </operation> </query>
Explain output consists of two parts (just like any XQuery query): prolog and query body explanations. Prolog part includes complete information about all declarations: namespaces, functions, global variables with complete physical plan for each user defined function and global variable. Query body explanation part describes physical tree of the query. For each physical operation EXPLAIN returns: name of the operation (PPConst, PPFunCall, etc), corresponding position in the source query (e.g. 4:31 means that operation PPConst corresponds to the ’1’ atomic at the line 4, column 26). Output may also contain additional information depending on the operation type (for example, variable name for some PPVariable operations).
2.7.4 Profile QueryThe profile statement has the following syntax:
{XQuery or Update statement to profile} Each query in Sedna is represented and executed internally as a tree of the physical operations. With the help of PROFILE statement you can obtain detailed tree of physical operation and execution time for each of them. The following query illustrates PROFILE statement execution: Query:
profile fn:doc(’TestSources/XMarkAuction.xml’)//
person[@id = "person0"]/name
<operation name="PPQueryRoot" time="13.426" calls="1">
<operation name="PPAxisChild" step="child::element(name)" time="13.426" calls="2"> <operation name="PPReturn" time="13.426" calls="2"> <operation name="PPAbsPath" root="document(auction)" path="descendant-or-self::node()" time="12.772" calls="85405"/> <operation name="PPPred1" time="0.530" calls="85405"> <operation name="PPAxisChild" step="child::element(person)" time="0.461" calls="86168"> <operation name="PPVariable" descr="0" time="0.380" calls="170808"/> </operation> <operation name="PPEQLGeneralComparison" comparison="eq" time="0.013" calls="1528"> <operation name="PPAxisAttribute" step="attribute::attribute(id)" time="0.001" calls="1527"> <operation name="PPVariable" descr="1" time="0.001" calls="1527"/> </operation> <operation name="PPConst" type="xs:string" value="person0" time="0.001" calls="1527"/> </operation> </operation> </operation> </operation> </operation> Profiling output consists of two parts (just like any XQuery query): prolog and query body explanations. Prolog part includes complete profile information for global variables and user defined functions. Query body profile part describes physical tree of the query and provides execution time and number of calls for each physical operation. For each physical operation PROFILE returns: name of the operation (PPConst, PPFunCall, etc), corresponding position in the source query (e.g. 4:31 means that operation PPConst corresponds to the ’1’ atomic at the line 4, column 26), execution time of this operation and number of calls. Output may also contain additional information depending on the operation type (for example, variable name for some PPVariable operations). In above example you can see that PPAbsPath operation takes almost all time (12.772 seconds of 13.426 total) and was called 12772 times. Profiling in this case shows that // may be very hard to execute and it is much better to use ”single” XPath steps everywhere it is possible: Query:
profile fn:doc(’TestSources/XMarkAuction.xml’)/
site/people/person[@id = "person0"]/name
<operation name="PPQueryRoot" time="0.018" calls="1">
<operation name="PPAxisChild" step="child::element(name)" time="0.018" calls="2"> <operation name="PPReturn" time="0.018" calls="2"> <produces> <variable descriptor="0"/> </produces> <operation name="PPAbsPath" root="document(auction)" path="child::element(site)/child::element(people)" time="0.001" calls="2"/> <operation name="PPPred1" time="0.017" calls="2"> <produces> <variable descriptor="1"/> </produces> <operation name="PPAxisChild" step="child::element(person)" time="0.001" calls="765"> <operation name="PPVariable" descr="0" time="0.000" calls="2"/> </operation> <operation name="PPEQLGeneralComparison" comparison="eq" time="0.013" calls="1528"> <operation name="PPAxisAttribute" step="attribute::attribute(id)" time="0.005" calls="1527"> <operation name="PPVariable" descr="1" time="0.003" calls="1527"/> </operation> <operation name="PPConst" type="xs:string" value="person0" time="0.000" calls="1527"/> </operation> </operation> </operation> </operation> </operation>
[1] “Sedna Administration Guide”, http://modis.ispras.ru/sedna/adminguide/AdminGuide.html [2] “XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model”, W3C Recommendation, http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-datamodel/ [3] “XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language”, W3C Recommendation, http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/ [4] “XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators”, W3C Recommendation, http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/ [5] “XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization”, W3C Recommendation, http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-xquery-serialization/ [6] Patrick Lehti. “Design and Implementation of a Data Manipulation Processor for a XML Query Language”, http://www.lehti.de/beruf/diplomarbeit.pdf [7] “PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions”, http://www.pcre.org/ [8] Maxim Grinev, Andrey Fomichev, Sergey Kuznetsov, Kostantin Antipin, Alexander Boldakov, Dmitry Lizorkin, Leonid Novak, Maria Rekouts, Peter Pleshachkov. “Sedna: A Native XML DBMS”, http://www.modis.ispras.ru/publications.htm [9] Rekouts Maria. “Application Programming Interface for XML DBMS: design and implementation proposal”, http://www.modis.ispras.ru/publications.htm [10] Noel Welsh, Francisco Solsona, Ian Glover. “SchemeUnit and SchemeQL: Two little languages”, Scheme Workshop 2002, http://schematics.sourceforge.net/schemeunit-schemeql.ps [11] Oleg Kiselyov. “SXML Specification, Revision 3.0”, http://www.okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/SXML.html [12] William Clinger, R. Kent Dybvig, Matthew Flatt, and Marc Feeley. “SRFI-12: Exception Handling”, http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-12/srfi-12.html [13] Felix L. Winkelmann. “Chicken – A practical and portable Scheme system”, http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org [14] Kirill Lisovsky, Dmitry Lizorkin. “XML Path Language (XPath) and its functional implementation SXPath”, Russian Digital Libraries Journal , 2003, Volume 6, Issue 4, http://www.elbib.ru/index.phtml?page=elbib/eng/journal/2003/part4/LL [15] dtSearch Engine home page, http://www.dtsearch.com/PLF\_engine\_2.html [16] dtSearch Web Help http://support.dtsearch.com/webhelp/dtsearch |